Frequently Asked Questions


Question 1:


Is the silver in the ION harmful?


No, as there is NO metallic silver used, just a silver compound that does not react with the cells of mammals/humans. Further, the level of this compound is well below the EPA-suggested limit guidelines. There is considerable 3rd party proof of the safety of silver used in the ION in technical papers, which we are happy to provide upon request.



Question 2:

How long is the ION effective in deactivating bacteria (i.e. E. coli)?



It is > 99% effective through MANY cycles or one year, whichever comes first, based on current test data. Production samples are now being tested to optimize the ION parameters.

Question 3:


How can you check to verify the ION’s performance or lifetime?



A simple ‘litmus paper’ type field test kit evaluating for bacteria is available to verify the ION performance.

Question 4:


Is the ION safe for small children to use?



The ION has passed the ‘choking hazard toy test,’ but we advise adult supervision for children under 6 years of age. The ION has also successfully tested for impact resistance. Data is available upon request.

Question 5:


How do you store the ION after use?



There are no special requirements for storage; it can be kept around your neck, in your pocket, in a small container, or left in the open air under most weather conditions. We recommend shaking the ION three (3) times after using it to remove excess water; it can then be ‘pocketed.’ A Silver Aqua Ion container is currently in the works.

Question 6:


Will the ION deactivate E. coli and other waterborne pathogens regardless of the conditions in a disaster or refugee camp or varying conditions of the water being treated?



Yes, the ION is specifically designed to ‘kill’ E. coli and other pathogens in water, regardless of where the water comes from or the conditions under which it is being used. If E. coli exists in an aqueous environment, it will be deactivated by the ION.

Question 7:


In treating contaminated water, what happens if you shake the ION & bottle less than the recommended 30 seconds?



Reducing the shake time below the 30 seconds recommended may result in less than 99% of the bacteria being deactivated, and the water may not be safe to drink.

Question 8:


What do I do with the ION when it reaches its useful lifetime?



Either (1)return the ION to Silver Aqua for recycling OR (2) remove the cap, recycle the plastic, and return the ‘spent’ pellets (an inert crystalline mineral) to the Earth.

Question 9:


Does the ION get clogged after consistent use?



No, because the pore size of the pellets inside of the ION is smaller than any grain of sand/dirt, so nothing can get inside to clog the ION up.


Question 10:


What makes the IONs able to kill waterborne bacteria?



Silver ions inside the pellets penetrate the bacterial walls and shut down the metabolism of the bacteria, effectively killing them. Technical papers describe this complex process in detail and are available upon request.